The 1000 Huts forum has now moved to the new Reforesting Scotland Hub. Here you’ll find a range of discussion subjects from rewilding to forest gardens, and of course, huts! Head over and post away. Posts in the old forum can still be found at https://1000huts.wixsite.com/huts/forum
Regional networks
We have a number of regional networks for people to collaborate in their local areas. These take the form of email groups (Gaggle) and/or messaging groups. If you would like to join a group please send your email address and/or phone number to huts@reforestingscotland.org. The groups are:
North Highland Hutters
West Highland Hutters
North East Hutters
East Scotland Hutters
West Central Hutters
South West Hutters
We also have an active Facebook group where you can post questions and join the community there.